If anyone else has, like me, built their flash site and found it takes a few seconds to load you might want to check this tutorial (probably the clearest and least patronising one I've read during this project) on how to make a custom preloader (preloaders are little movie clip animations which let people know that your site is in the process of loading, you'll have visited sites with a loading bar or a percentage loaded, these are preloaders). The speedometer thing is just an example, you can make any 100 frame animation and apply the AS (it is actionscript 3).
If you think your flash site size may be too big, you can test loading times by testing the movie (apple+enter) and on the .SWF that pops up go View>Simulate Download. You can also change the connection speed the download is simulated at by going View>Download Settings.
Happy flashing!
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
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