Monday 1 December 2008

Lightbox on VisCom Blog

Ive written in the .css for this blog the code to allow lightbox to work. If you want to upload images that appear in lightbox, when you post, post like like

a rel="lightbox[animal]" title="Natalia Brilli - Leather Bound" href=""> a rel="lightbox[animal]" title="Natalia Brilli - Leather Bound" href=""

obviously the code must start with a <>
The word in the [ ] creates a gallery effect, so all images with the same [x] will be able to move left and right as a gallery. the title='x', is the description that appears below the image.

The first image in the code is the real image, and the second is the thumbnail image. (you have to upload your images to something like photobucket for lightbox to work in blogs)

The a rel="lightbox">

If there is any queries, give us a shout!